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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lessons Learned....

What's going on everybody. This has been a pretty good sunday my Miami Dolphins WON... 2 and 0 baby!! LOL. I dont know about everyone else but i'm feeling pretty good.

Reggie Bush

I watch football enough to know who some of the players are and to understand most of the rules but I wont say I'm some die hard football fan. However I have been aware of the situation taking place as of late with Reggie Bush and the pressure he has been given to give up his Heisman Trophy because of accepting funds from an agent while in school. So he eventually decided to give it back, I personally don't think he should have because what he did really is not wrong in my opinion. As crazy as he is Charles Barkley had a point this week, after admitting he had accepted money while he was in school but paid it back, he mentioned how these colleges make so much money off of these young players why shouldn't they receive money for it. Many of the players come from poor families and that money could really help them out. Also many players stand the risk of getting hurt in college and may never have the opportunity to go to the NFL to actually make some money in football, if that is their goal of course. Who knows maybe if these young men had some type of monetary incentive it would encourage them to stay and finish school being that many leave the universities early to pursue professional careers. At the same time though I guess the college players receiving money would open up the world of troubles you see facing the professional players. Many of those young men would not know how to handle it. I guess the bottom line is Reggie learned a valuable lesson in following rules and standards although if I was him I could really care less because hey he makes his millions in the NFL and has a Superbowl ring...I woulda put that trophy in a garbage bag, left it on my front porch and called them to come get it before I threw it in the trash...LOL

Personal Lessons

I was kind of irked in recent days with more foolishness going on and it brought me to a valuable lessons learned moment. I try to be a very loyal person to people I consider close friends so if I find that someone is hurting or mistreating them I very much ride for my friends, particularly when it is mates they have that are doing them wrong. So there have been a number of times when I have basically cut off and made enemies with people who have done absolutely nothing to me and I may even have been cool with these people. Now don't get me wrong these people have done some really bad stuff to people i love but where the problem really comes in is when the person I am defending and being loyal to flips the script and next thing you know they are cool with the person who supposedly did them so wrong and it makes me look like some bitter old person that runs around having problems with everyone. So this week I had an AHA moment as Oprah says, my motto on these situations is If you Like It then I LOVE IT. Meaning if you wanna tolerate someone treating you like dirt and don't want to do anything about it I am ALLLLL for it. My reasoning is this, you can lead a horse to water but you cant make them drink. I can tell someone all day long how they should be treated and how the person they are with is wrong but the friend wont do anything different unless THEY are sick and tired of the situation they are in. In the end I bare the responsibility for putting my self in that position, but trust I have come to my senses and it wont happen again. Although I hate seeing my loved ones go through difficult times and be mistreated sometimes people have to let experience teach them lessons but for the ones who want my opinion and definitely will do something about it I know I will always be there for them.

Be safe everybody...


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