Citiboi Search

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Wow its be some days since I last put a post up. Which really shouldn't happen since I have so much to say but I guess better late than never.

Today i'm in my "Huh" mood. We all know when we use the word "huh", to basically express our confusion or disbelief in something and I definitly have used it in the last couple of days with various things going on.

Lindsay Lohan

The first MAJOR "Huh Moment" goes to Lindsay Lohan and why this woman cannot stay off drugs and why they cant seem to keep her crack head behind in jail for doing drugs. Now for those (althougth there are not many) ringing their hater alarms at me, dont get me wrong, I used to LOVE me some Lindsay Lohan back in the day, especially when she started doing all the teen movies. I think I watched Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, and Mean Girls like ten times. Also she was one of the few white girls I was attracted to (Dont hate me I have my preferences. LOL) I think she used to have a banging body no pun intended. But as of late I dont understand what is up with all the drugs, this girl was rich beyond rich raking in the money like fall leaves but she wants to throw that all away for heroin and crack. I DONT get it. Now lets compare a regular person with Lindsay Lohan. Do you honestly think any normal person would get off with as many chances as the courts are giving her with these drugs. The girl goes back to court because she fails a court ordered drug test which she has to do because she is on probation and all they do is send her to jail for some hours and lets her DECIDE if she wants to go to rehab. HUH? If that was me as soon as that drug test would have been failed the court would have had the police taser me, fold me into a chicken wing and drag my behind to prison for a parole violation. Then when I got out they would have sent me to the Nazi drug rehab where they beat you with billy clubs all day and refuse to feed you until you dont want drugs anymore. Basically you all get my point. I hope this girl gets the help she needs because it is so sad to watch somone kill themselves like this, especially when they have so much promise...



 Lyfe Jennings

For those who dont know, Lyfe Jennings is a singer who rose to fame with his first album titled Lyfe 268-192. The number in the title represents his inmate number while he was in prison. If you have never heard the first album I strongly suggest that you should. I must admit when I heard his first single Must be Nice I COMPLETELY hated it. But one day my sister asked could she put the cd on in my car and I absolutely loved it. I had not heard such a heartfelt, real album in a long time. The way the album was arranged was basically following his life from before he went to prison, during his stint, and when he got out. The man is a wonderful writer and truly conveyed his feelings in his songs. But lets fast forward from 2004 when his debut album came out to 2010 when I see on the internet this man is going back to jail for three years. Why? Becasue of a fight he had with his baby's mother where he tried to kick her door in, pulled a gun and shot it in the air and then ran from police, all while on probation. So three years was his sentence. HUH? Why do I say huh? I cannot understand for the life of me why with all the success this man has achieved he has to throw it all away for an argument with his baby mamma. I'm sorry but that lady better have done something so heinous to him that  I would want to find her and shoot a gun in the air. I 'm sure it was something very basic like she let some other man drink his cool-aid or something. When will these people who have begun to accomplish so much in their lives learn to leave the foolishness alone and enjoy themselves sensibly. I guess the statement is very accurate , "you can take the boy out the hood, but not the hood out of the boy." Well on a brighter note he will probably have a hot album ready when he gets out. LOL...

Citiboi Corner

When I turn the conversation on a more personal note I have decided to call it Citiboi Corner. This week I must say my foundation was kind of shaken with a stupid argument on Facebook. It started off with fun and games but eventually someone got serious and both me and a close friend said some things to each other that were really not nice at all. This led to us not talking for a couple of days but the things that weighed upon my mind was people's view of me and who I really could trust to be completely open with. It really does hurt when you find that someone that is close to you may have a view of you that you do not agree with. Then the question rises well who else thinks that? Should I be changing to combat that view? Or should I run around skeptical of everyone telling everybody off that I even think is thinking something bad about me? The conclusion I came to is to still be who I am which is a happy, crazy, fun, loving person and to trust but at the same time be cautious so that I dont let the wrong people get too close. Me and my friend are good now but in the back of my mind I wonder has all the damage caused by both parties been healed? I guess only time will tell.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lessons Learned....

What's going on everybody. This has been a pretty good sunday my Miami Dolphins WON... 2 and 0 baby!! LOL. I dont know about everyone else but i'm feeling pretty good.

Reggie Bush

I watch football enough to know who some of the players are and to understand most of the rules but I wont say I'm some die hard football fan. However I have been aware of the situation taking place as of late with Reggie Bush and the pressure he has been given to give up his Heisman Trophy because of accepting funds from an agent while in school. So he eventually decided to give it back, I personally don't think he should have because what he did really is not wrong in my opinion. As crazy as he is Charles Barkley had a point this week, after admitting he had accepted money while he was in school but paid it back, he mentioned how these colleges make so much money off of these young players why shouldn't they receive money for it. Many of the players come from poor families and that money could really help them out. Also many players stand the risk of getting hurt in college and may never have the opportunity to go to the NFL to actually make some money in football, if that is their goal of course. Who knows maybe if these young men had some type of monetary incentive it would encourage them to stay and finish school being that many leave the universities early to pursue professional careers. At the same time though I guess the college players receiving money would open up the world of troubles you see facing the professional players. Many of those young men would not know how to handle it. I guess the bottom line is Reggie learned a valuable lesson in following rules and standards although if I was him I could really care less because hey he makes his millions in the NFL and has a Superbowl ring...I woulda put that trophy in a garbage bag, left it on my front porch and called them to come get it before I threw it in the trash...LOL

Personal Lessons

I was kind of irked in recent days with more foolishness going on and it brought me to a valuable lessons learned moment. I try to be a very loyal person to people I consider close friends so if I find that someone is hurting or mistreating them I very much ride for my friends, particularly when it is mates they have that are doing them wrong. So there have been a number of times when I have basically cut off and made enemies with people who have done absolutely nothing to me and I may even have been cool with these people. Now don't get me wrong these people have done some really bad stuff to people i love but where the problem really comes in is when the person I am defending and being loyal to flips the script and next thing you know they are cool with the person who supposedly did them so wrong and it makes me look like some bitter old person that runs around having problems with everyone. So this week I had an AHA moment as Oprah says, my motto on these situations is If you Like It then I LOVE IT. Meaning if you wanna tolerate someone treating you like dirt and don't want to do anything about it I am ALLLLL for it. My reasoning is this, you can lead a horse to water but you cant make them drink. I can tell someone all day long how they should be treated and how the person they are with is wrong but the friend wont do anything different unless THEY are sick and tired of the situation they are in. In the end I bare the responsibility for putting my self in that position, but trust I have come to my senses and it wont happen again. Although I hate seeing my loved ones go through difficult times and be mistreated sometimes people have to let experience teach them lessons but for the ones who want my opinion and definitely will do something about it I know I will always be there for them.

Be safe everybody...


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Relationships... Keep That Mess!

Hey everybody since that last time I wrote a post sooo many things have taken place but the one subject that resonates in my mind is relationships. More so relationships of the intimate kind such as boyfriend girlfriend, husband wife, baby momma baby daddy etc. But also there is also the relationships with family.

This week has surely been a testing time with one particular relationship in my sister. I have went over the details in my head of what took place a couple of days ago a million times so I really don't feel like going into detail at this point today. But I will say my sister and me both lost our mother when I was four and she was a little over one. We were raised by my grandmother and my aunt and I must say our childhood was pretty good my grandmother and aunt were truly a blessing, matter of fact my entire family because they all played a share. So you would think the adversities we faced would have brought us ever closer since really if we were to take out the family aspect we are all we got from our mother. But for some reason that just is not the case. Now I know siblings fight and argue and have disagreements but they way our relationship is heading seems to be going beyond just disagreements. I rack my brain all the time about how I can fix the situation and what I can do differently but honestly I'm sure there are other factors in my sisters life that contribute to the turmoil in our relationship. One main factor is some of the entities my sister has let into her life, she doesn't exactly pick the best friends or mates in my opinion but of course that is not my decision and don't get me started on decisions. I feel my sister makes some of the most crazy decisions and two years ago she had my wonderful niece who I absolutely adore, so I feel her decisions could be a lot better if she was keeping my niece in mind. At this point that is the biggest clash my frustrations with her decisions and how it affects my niece and the standpoint I'm coming from is love, love for my sister and niece and wanting the best for them. Often I have thoughts in my head of us getting along and being so supportive and happy but I guess that vision is on hold until many of these issues we have are worked out. I have come to the realization though that as much as I try to practice humility and let bygones be bygones with my sister, for our relationship to work it has to be a two way street and hopefully one day she will want to maintain her portion of that street so that there can be a free flow of love.

Now to the topic at hand intimate relationships. In my experiences I have seen soooo many types of relationships and I don't know maybe its just me and I'm weird or I'm just thinking too analytically but just like 1 + 1 equals 2 if you see bull then you should be through. I am VERY much for committed relationships and MARRIAGE, in my family there are a number of 20 plus year marriages, so you can understand why I have absolutely no tolerance for people who wont commit and cheat but also no tolerance for those who are selfish and prey upon people in relationships. A relationship is very much about giving and sacrifice but if that person you are with does not have your best interests at heart its time to move on. NO it is not NOT easy but that's why were given a heart and a BRAIN. Emotion was built into humans to help them be able to show love and compassion were don't just work off of instinct like animals, but at the same time emotions could lead you astray so its up to you to use your brain then to think logically and rework your situation to preserve your self. I have not had many relationships because when I love I love HARD, and why shouldn't I? I should feel comfortable enough with the person i'm with to be vulnerable and let them see my weaknesses and not feel they will try to play upon those weaknesses to get over on me. So since I love so hard I know that if I get hurt it will be even more hard for me to get over it. So I figure why waste my time with people are not even close to that material when I can really save my love for someone who deserves it. Yes I may at times be a bit lonely but I would rather be at peace by myself than be stressed and have someone on my arm. When I talk like this I'm mainly thinking about the women in my life who I care so much about who have gone through all kinds a foolishness with men they are with. Here are a couple of truths women should be following:

1. If that fool tries or actually hits you once ...HE WILL DO IT AGAIN
2. If he cheats once shame on him if he cheats twice shame on you for not kicking him to the curb.
3. DO NOT I repeat DO NOT get pregnant from him to keep him like a friend said today you just opening yourself up to 18 years of heartache.
4. If you have been with him for some time, have had a baby from him and he still ain't ready to commit nine times outta ten he does not feel you are the one and you should move on to preserve your sanity and save what good qualities he hasn't ruined for the next dude that will love and cherish you.
5. If the man cheats stop going after and obsessing over the female he did it with. It takes TWO to cheat yea she is sorry especially if she knew he had a girl but he is twice as sorry for getting with her and not caring about what it would do to you.
6. Be OK with being by your self you just may like it and learn something about your self you may not have known because a bad relationship was overshadowing it.

Trust there is more but I don't have all night. The bottom line is you don't have to settle for less just to say you are in a relationship make people prove themselves and work to get the best of you because at the end of the day you will find most people you will encounter are not worth it.

I am sooo vibin to the Fantasia track The Worst Part is Over it really speaks to the heart about getting past difficult situations and looking forward to a brighter day.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Video Music Awards 2010

Last night was the coveted MTV Video Music Awards and I figure since everybody else in the nation is I might as well give my own personal take on the show..

Host- Chelsea Handler---OMG I love this woman I end up watching her show Chelsea Lately at least four times a week which is funny since I have to be to work 330 in the morning and and her show comes on after eleven. So is the life of a young dumb irresponsible man. LOL. I read on a site this morning that they thought she didnt do a good job but I thought she was pretty good. I have seen some dry hosts and trust me she was not the worst and I did find myself chuckling at her witty one liners on everything from Mariah and Nick, to the Jersey Shore cast having herpes to not being able to catch  a ride with TI after the show. I think they should use her again i'm sure she will be able to come up with even better material next year.

Performers- The performances were ok nothing that had me hopping out of my seat in awe but a couple had my attention.

Taylor Swift vs. Kanye- I really like this Taylor Swift girl even though i'm more into powerhouse vocalists ( i.e. Whitney, Jennifer Hudson, Fantasia, Pattie get the picture) but I like the simple quality of her music and her honesty in her music. So as i'm sure everyone knows her perfomance was referring to the Kanye fiasco last year. I though her song was very classy and made a powerful statement because while many dont realize it when you forgive and move on if causes you to have so much less stress in life and her making a song of it puts money in her pocket because people wann know what she has to say about it. So it sucked in the beginning but I think its win win for her now. Kanye is like that alcoholic family member you have that completly shows their behind at the family reunion and pisses you off but you still love them cuz when their not causing a scene at family gatherings they are soooo funny. Eventhough I thought what he did to Taylor was SO wrong, (I mean for years people have been winning awards we thought they didn't deserve but you didn't see the one who should have won it storm the stage.) I like how he did such an in your face song about being a jerk. LOL. At the end of the day when eveybody seems to hate you sometimes you just gotta lay it on the line and be direct and in your face because hey they are gonna hate you anyway. (Been there).

Usher- I really like Usher as an artist I love him for putting R&B back on the map with his album Confessions but I dont know his music just isn't doing it for me anymore and his performance was ...OK. I guess its becasue i'm not a big fan of this pop electronica phase he is going through. Right now he doesn't seem to have an identity to his music he seems really desperate just to do what they are saying is hot so he can sell records since his last album didnt perform as he would have liked. (Shouldn't have fired his mamma, god dont like ugly, LOL.) By the end of his performance he sounded all out of breath and I know he SHOULD have been out of breath I couldn't have made it through a minute of that performance, but the Usher I know planned his performances out so well that if he was tired you didn't hear it because his breathing was controlled. I mean if Janet can dance as hard as she does and still sing live with her soft voice he should be able to do it too.

Drake- I thought Drake's performance really looked like he put some thought  into it to create a vision on the stage. In hip hop I think that is needed because if you dont you're just standing on stage with a mic and to me that doesn't get my attention I can listen to your cd if I just wanted to hear the song. I like the nice touch of adding Mary J. Blige to the performance although I do agree with what some have said that her presence overshadowed him but hey it caused people to pay more attention that wouldn't have. As far as Mary I always have loved the way Mary can sing like an angel but flow on a song like a rapper that's what gives her such appeal, I mean Beyonce can to it too but Mary is raw with it.

Jason Deruleo- For some reason this boy annoys me. I'm gonna try to not be the complete hater and say he may have a little dancing skills and carry a tone a little but his music sucks to me but hey to each his own.

B.O.B- Bruno Mars sounded great and B.O.B.  finally was able to perform the song with that Hayley girl form Paramore, although I like the version he did with Keyshia Cole better on the BET awards. I did however love Hayley's voals on her own song with her band.

Other Parts of the VMAs

Best New Artist- JUSTIN BIEBER!!! Why was I not surprised at all. These little pubescent girls are single handely killing the music industry I really dont see whats so great about him his voice isn't all that great and he cant dance and will somebody tell him to pull his pants up. You have to understand I come from the days when the teen stars were Christina Auguilera, Monica, Brandy, Usher, Mario all these people had great vocals, shoot even the white boy bands were throwing down, NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, 98 degrees. So you can see why i'm not impressed at all. But I guess he does sell records and gets a ton of you tube views.

Best Video- Lady GaGa Bad Romance- I did agree with this choice. Its crazy but I love me some Lady GaGa with her crazy self. Despite all the crazy aspects to videos and live performances you really tell she is a talented lady and her little accapella part proved that, she sounded great.

Lastly RIP to Rihannas sense of style i'm sorry but she looked like a washed up porn star last night, geez girl.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Discouragment, Stress and Relationships....

I must say that this has truly been a LONG week. My plan was and still is to update this blog daily since I have so much to talk about but the way my week has been going I had much on my mind but I felt to emotionally drained to even put it into words.

The week started off good enough cuz hey I started this blog! Which was a major step in the direction I want to go and possibly helping people and branding myself. I started off the week talking about weight loss and my struggles with it, and how would I rate this week? According to what I have done in the past...I would give myself a big fat D. Why? Well I did make an effort to eat better but I did not workout and I did eat some things I was not supposed to eat mainly SWEETS. But starting Monday my good friend is supposed to be starting to work out with me and she is the one that was with me that last time I really got into working out so I hope we can get the week started off right and continue in the right direction.

So as the week went on I had some complete foolishness go on with one of my friends relationships which eventually led to some he said she said bull and I dont know how but I end up being labeled a lil B**** whos mouth runs like water by one of my good friends boyfriend. ( That is still to be debated cuz i'm not sure if he even said that since the information came from someone who does not particularly care for me anyway.) So as this situation was unfolding it really had me evaluating my friendships. I have A LOT of girls as close friends and NO i'm not gay its just life circumstances just have me like that and i'm sure being around a lot of women when I was younger plays a major part. Anyway having girls as close friends when you're a dude presents a unique challenge when they have boyfriends. I know that at some point this dude is going to have a problem with me when his girl is going places with me talking to me all the time on the phone and I understand his fears but i'm thinking dude I know EVERYTHING about this girl if I wanted her I WOULDA HAD HER, so no worries. I know I know that does not seem realistic and I am sure I would feel a certain way if my girl had a close guy friend. But I really have to admire one of my close friends I have had for a while she balances the guy friend boyfriend pretty well there has really been no problems that I know of until I heard what the ni**a just called me this week, so I guess that is kind of a to be continued.

The thing I was evaluating was should I change how close I get to girls who have a boyfriend especially if they are eventually gonna put him above me anyway. In my opinion most dudes are SORRY and the games they play that women fall for makes me really feel for women and sometimes I feel like a crusader helping to open their eyes to the bull. LOL. But another thing that came into play was TRUST. When you get in the midst of he said she said stuff sometimes it makes you doubt those around you because you really dont know what to believe but I will say in the end I can and WILL trust those close lady friends until I see otherwise. Until then I am completely open with a slight guard very deep down.

So my week ended off with drama at work. I got promoted I guess you could say, to this position with the training department at my job. I must say this position truly renewed my zeal for my job because if I stayed in my other position all the time I would have been like a zombie by now just going through the motions. But with this position I truly saw promise of me advancing in the organization which gives you a sense of fulfillment and of course more money. But I have been in the position for about a year and have come to find that there are some of the most immature, phony, lying, back biting people in this department and as time goes on I wonder will I EVER get past this position or will these vultures devour me. So the grits hit the fan this week with this one lady who I call a monkey with a wig on. When I tell you this scandelous heffa will say good morning, report you to management, stab you in the back with a butcher knife and act like she did nothing at all in one good breath. I have absoloutly no tolerence for phony people and detest them especially when they KNOW they have done something to try to get you in trouble but still smille in your face like they did nothing. So in the training room she is like the talk Nazi if anyone I know or me says ANYTHING she gets all up in your face telling you that you cant talk and you need to go outside, and the heffa talks to me worse than my parents so you KNOW I aint having that. Long story short she did it this one last time and I gave her the BUSINESS. So the evil lady that is over the department tells my direct leader that she needs to write me up or she is going to write her up. I hated that my leader and friend was put in this position but hey it is what it is. So in the end i'm sure nothing will happen to the monkey with a wig on and i get my first write up. Honestly I was starting to develop the attitude to just do the bare minimum and forget all the ambitions but I talked to a fellow person in training who I always really have admired. Seeing her zeal for this proposal she was trying to create to better training at our work organization all over the country really inspired me to just keep my cool and be patient my time will come.

I must say that life is full of ups and downs, disappointments celebrations, difficult times good times etc. But just like the ingredients of a good recipe by them selves the ingredients may make you sick, be bitter and not account for much but when put all together they make a beautiful dish. So I guess I just gotta have the resolve to take all the ingredients I gather along the way to make a beautiful dish of life. LOL See YA


Monday, September 6, 2010

Weight Loss Struggles

Once again good morning peeps. One major subject on my mind today is weight. I honestly wish this word didnt come up so much in my life but it is a personal struggle I have had for some years. Now I started off extremely skinny when I was a child but after my mom died and I moved in with my grandmother of course I was eating GOOD, meaning good ol' southern cooking. So the pounds started packing on then I hit puberty, got taller and slimmed down. Now after high school low and behold, behold and low I packed on 30 pounds the first year out and continued gaining and then I caught the work out bug. I started to really lose  some pounds. I was using this work out and eating plan called Body For Life. When I tell you I swear by this plan and recommend it to anyone. Its shows you how to do these short high intensity workouts, tells you how to eat healthy, helps you get your mind right and most of all YOU GET A CHEAT DAY ONCE A WEEK. LOL Now if I would have just stuck with it I would be fine as wine. I'm talking walking to the mailbox buck naked fine. Its a twelve week program and i would finish the twelve weeks, but when you finish you are supposed to go another twelve weeks but of course I call myself take a break and that one week turns into two and two turns into a year and 50 pounds. So I just turned 25 and i have this personal compaign I call Fly By 25 ....soo 25 comes i'm still 300  pounds so now i'm like ok I GOTTA get this weight off. So today starts Body For Life fifth cycle for me (LOL) but this time i'm trying to keep the determination to keep going till I get to the size I want to be at. Please pray for me yall..LOL.

Welcome to the creation of Citiboi Says!!!

( Inhales and Exhales Deeply)

Wow. For some reason I feel like a weight has been lifted up off my shoulders suddenly. Maybe its because im starting this blog which will give me an avenue to express all the wonderful CRAZY opinions I have. (LOL). But also I think I want to use it as a way to allow others to talk to me and possibly get advice on relationships, friendships or just talk about issues they are having and maybe have a laugh about it. What makes me an expert on this stuff? I'M NOT but at the end of the day I listen very well am observant and if the decisions you make or advice you get has your best interests at heart I dont think you can go wrong.  Lets face it I am EXTREMELY nosey I have come to embrace that fact. (Although it still is not pleasant when my GOOD friends call me that, emphasis on good cuz if a heffa dont know me and call me that TRUST they will get the business.) So back to my nosey traits, so being nosey has its benefits and it has its negative aspects, somtimes I find out things I dont really want to know and have to work to keep it to myself but that is a whole other story. But feel free to send me a shout out, bring up a topic you wanna discuss and I will try my best to hit ya back. :)