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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Discouragment, Stress and Relationships....

I must say that this has truly been a LONG week. My plan was and still is to update this blog daily since I have so much to talk about but the way my week has been going I had much on my mind but I felt to emotionally drained to even put it into words.

The week started off good enough cuz hey I started this blog! Which was a major step in the direction I want to go and possibly helping people and branding myself. I started off the week talking about weight loss and my struggles with it, and how would I rate this week? According to what I have done in the past...I would give myself a big fat D. Why? Well I did make an effort to eat better but I did not workout and I did eat some things I was not supposed to eat mainly SWEETS. But starting Monday my good friend is supposed to be starting to work out with me and she is the one that was with me that last time I really got into working out so I hope we can get the week started off right and continue in the right direction.

So as the week went on I had some complete foolishness go on with one of my friends relationships which eventually led to some he said she said bull and I dont know how but I end up being labeled a lil B**** whos mouth runs like water by one of my good friends boyfriend. ( That is still to be debated cuz i'm not sure if he even said that since the information came from someone who does not particularly care for me anyway.) So as this situation was unfolding it really had me evaluating my friendships. I have A LOT of girls as close friends and NO i'm not gay its just life circumstances just have me like that and i'm sure being around a lot of women when I was younger plays a major part. Anyway having girls as close friends when you're a dude presents a unique challenge when they have boyfriends. I know that at some point this dude is going to have a problem with me when his girl is going places with me talking to me all the time on the phone and I understand his fears but i'm thinking dude I know EVERYTHING about this girl if I wanted her I WOULDA HAD HER, so no worries. I know I know that does not seem realistic and I am sure I would feel a certain way if my girl had a close guy friend. But I really have to admire one of my close friends I have had for a while she balances the guy friend boyfriend pretty well there has really been no problems that I know of until I heard what the ni**a just called me this week, so I guess that is kind of a to be continued.

The thing I was evaluating was should I change how close I get to girls who have a boyfriend especially if they are eventually gonna put him above me anyway. In my opinion most dudes are SORRY and the games they play that women fall for makes me really feel for women and sometimes I feel like a crusader helping to open their eyes to the bull. LOL. But another thing that came into play was TRUST. When you get in the midst of he said she said stuff sometimes it makes you doubt those around you because you really dont know what to believe but I will say in the end I can and WILL trust those close lady friends until I see otherwise. Until then I am completely open with a slight guard very deep down.

So my week ended off with drama at work. I got promoted I guess you could say, to this position with the training department at my job. I must say this position truly renewed my zeal for my job because if I stayed in my other position all the time I would have been like a zombie by now just going through the motions. But with this position I truly saw promise of me advancing in the organization which gives you a sense of fulfillment and of course more money. But I have been in the position for about a year and have come to find that there are some of the most immature, phony, lying, back biting people in this department and as time goes on I wonder will I EVER get past this position or will these vultures devour me. So the grits hit the fan this week with this one lady who I call a monkey with a wig on. When I tell you this scandelous heffa will say good morning, report you to management, stab you in the back with a butcher knife and act like she did nothing at all in one good breath. I have absoloutly no tolerence for phony people and detest them especially when they KNOW they have done something to try to get you in trouble but still smille in your face like they did nothing. So in the training room she is like the talk Nazi if anyone I know or me says ANYTHING she gets all up in your face telling you that you cant talk and you need to go outside, and the heffa talks to me worse than my parents so you KNOW I aint having that. Long story short she did it this one last time and I gave her the BUSINESS. So the evil lady that is over the department tells my direct leader that she needs to write me up or she is going to write her up. I hated that my leader and friend was put in this position but hey it is what it is. So in the end i'm sure nothing will happen to the monkey with a wig on and i get my first write up. Honestly I was starting to develop the attitude to just do the bare minimum and forget all the ambitions but I talked to a fellow person in training who I always really have admired. Seeing her zeal for this proposal she was trying to create to better training at our work organization all over the country really inspired me to just keep my cool and be patient my time will come.

I must say that life is full of ups and downs, disappointments celebrations, difficult times good times etc. But just like the ingredients of a good recipe by them selves the ingredients may make you sick, be bitter and not account for much but when put all together they make a beautiful dish. So I guess I just gotta have the resolve to take all the ingredients I gather along the way to make a beautiful dish of life. LOL See YA


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