Bishop Eddie Long
In the past few weeks Bishop Eddie Long has been all over the news because of four young men bringing sex lawsuits against him saying he coerced them into having a sexual relationship with him while they were young members of the Atlanta mega church New Birth Missionary Baptist Church. When I first heard of this story it sickend me to my stomach to think someone in his position and held in such high regard by people would take advantage of his position in such a way to prey upon young men. But then as I have discussed this case with different friends you look at the undelying issues. First and foremost the Bishop is COMPLETELY wrong in my opinion for carrying on as he has done and calls himself trying to represent God and the bible. I think the members of his church need to really look at this man for who he is. I have heard this man walks around in the pulpit wearing sleevless under armour attire....pause...HUH?!?! That is no way for a preacher to dress himself in front of a congregation and if i'm not mistaken I saw this man wearing a jheri curl lace front wig in one of his sermons. Clearly he is a joke and if I was one of the members I would see through that. But if the crazy attire didn't do it for you the lavish lifestyle should. This man has Bentleys and homes and a dump truck load of money, while i'm sure some of his church members are struggling without jobs and losing their homes. That is what sickens me about a lot of these churches, there is a scripture in the bible that says you received freely so you give freely. I'm almost positive GOD would not expect peole who are supposedly representing him to be filthy rich while peole wanting to get to know him are killing themselves to make the so called representative filthy rich.
Now when it comes down to the accusers I will say this first, I in NO WAY condone people sexually abusing anyone but when it comes to these young men...C'MON. Number one these young men were like fifteen years old when they met this man and he was supposedly like a father figure to them and then he never rapes or forces himself on them but he starts giving them money and a nice lifestyle and letting them drive his cars and then eventually says if they want to keep living this lifestyle they have to let him do stuff to them. Ok when I was fifteen and older if someone said, hey i'm gonna give you some money if you let me touch you , my answer, HELL NO GET AWAY FROM ME and keep yo money, so please forgive me if I am not understanding why they made the choice to let him start a sexual relationship with him and they felt compelled because he was like a father figure and they wanted to um drive his Bentley, Not HAVE a Bentley, drive HIS Bently when he is in it. (SMH) But then the question comes up, why come out with this now? Cuz if you had given up yo goodies to some old rusty man in exchange for money and he decides to cut you off when the next young dude comes along wouldn't you feel a bit used and angry? You're thinking dang I was supposed to be in there for good when I let this man do......OH HELL NAW...LOL. (I know I shouldn't laugh)
Bottom line is this man may not got any charges filed against him cuz in Georgia they consider the age of consent to be 15 for sex so these dudes may have to chalk that one up to the game. Hopefully the church members will give this man the boot cuz he is a disgrace and he better be glad GOD doesn't strike people with lighting to kill them, or does he?
Almighty Booty
I was on the site the other day and saw this video model named Pebbles that has gotten silicone booty injections to make her butt 64 inches around. WHAT?!! It was the most rediculous thing I have ever seen in my life. But i'm saying to myself this booty injection thing is becoming an epidemic. Every day you hear of some celebrity getting it and in my opinion I think its just a matter of time before this foolishness starts causing some kind of disease, it is so not natural. I dont mind seeing Nicki Minaj's booty on steriods but people are taking it to a whole other level.
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Nicki Minaj |
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Pebbles... |
Today in the Citiboi corner section I wanted to talk about wasted potential. The topic comes to mind when I think about this friend I have who is in my opinion a very good catch. She can cook and clean, she's cute, got good credit, her own place and a good job. But it just seems like she keeps wasting her time on the most sorry dudes. I mean this girl is wifey material but finds dudes that either are not ready for commitment or that are just really not on her level. I would wife her up first chance I got but of course we are not on that type of level. What is really sad though is that by the time this girl really finds a good dude, i'm afraid she will be so messed up by these other dudes that dont deserve her that she wont be able to enjoy or appreciate a good guy. The bottom line is this, woman or male don't waste your best qualities on people who are not worth your time of day, the time that you have by yourself is your time to make your self even better and preserve the good qualities and potential that the right deserving person will love.